Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Church Anniversary Poem

Issak and security-

A Stokville, schools were taught to all students, since they were toddlers, who need to develop some good thing that we report here for convenience as translated safety-I.

Even moms and dads of Stokville were very careful that the safety-I grow in harmony with the physical and mental development of his own son.

Issak was a minstrel very good and being a connoisseur of stones Stokville had discovered that it could affect their voices heard on plates pietrasfoglia.

pietresfoglie And that these could play the song if you stuck a needle in small boxes containing foil nerusta.

So Issak began to affect their ballads and songs e a riprodurli tramite le scatoleneruste.In breve tempo riuscì a vendere sia le pietresfoglie che le scatoleneruste.

Non aveva il tempo di costruirle che già erano a suonare nella casa del capitano Kius o della signorina Mikje: tutti volevano la sua invenzione e tutti erano disposti a pagare profumatamente e a ringraziare di cuore Issak.

In breve tempo ovunque nelle case di Stokville c'erano almeno una scatolanerusta e decine di pietresfoglie.Soprattutto ai bambini, alle bambine, ai ragazzi e alle ragazze piaceva ascoltare la musica incisa da Issak.

E così Issak diventò molto popolare ed amato dal popolo di Stokville.

Ma la sua sicurezza-io cresceva a dismisura. Think it had become much bigger than her head.

security-I was developed as a kind of hump, but if proportionate, and she was beautiful to see and make the body strong and harmonious.

There were beautiful women with a confidence-so charming that I could not resist their seduction, and there were old and had developed so well that he remained handsome and interesting until the end of their days. But not all was well.

was easy to meet young men who might have been beautiful if their security-I had not made them monstrous or ridiculous.

real balloons! On the other

Apart from some security-I had so little as to be maimed, deformed, with an awesome stripping moms who barely managed to touch without feeling disgusted that anyone else would try.

why educators, teachers and parents were well aware that the safety and well-I grow it right in their children.

The early years were crucial for growth, but also those of youth and adulthood could affect the harmonious development of safety-io.A Stokville there were also doctors and sorcerers, witches, pharmacists, herbalists and nutritionists, biologists , various scholars who were in charge of safety-I.

Every day all over the papers you could review the new findings, innovative treatments or old remedies, things to do or things to be done to avoid or prevent the little ones.

security-I was so important to the people of Stokville which conditioned their whole lives. It was certainly the main topic of their conversation and affect all the decisions: you could not do a good job if it had not been visible on his back a good or security-I could not participate in a contest-it was work, literary or beauty-without the pictures include the question of its security-I.

Issak Yet I had a security-enormous, but like all young people and even those not so young and some old men.

seemed to be his own monstrosity to attract people and that this monstrosity is nourished by the attraction that people had towards him.

Several sociologists and psychologists began to deal with this strange phenomenon: all the flatterers of Issak and Issak that I had a safety-overflowing, which would have caused them to make, unpleasant, however, were very attractive, charming, irresistible.

Issak especially with his huge lumpy and I was even safety-magnetizing.

would have been horrific ... He could barely carry his safety-I ... yet it seemed like a beautiful Adonis, shining like a god. It was acclaimed by the crowds and desired by women and men. As was to be the most loved and praised.

physicians and scholars also stopped to make examinations and investigations on this phenomenon, which also seemed to reverse all the patterns of beauty and decenza.Insomma was a revolution taking place in safety-and Issak I was the absolute leader of this movement hailing the enormity of the security-I.

were born various circles and clubs, the most famous of which was called The Big, The Bis and then there was a number of others who spread the myth of the extreme development of safety-io.Issak even put in Radio Wave Safety -I who, through scatoleneruste, disclosed musica e parole ed incitava a prendere coscienza del proprio corpo e ad esporlo nudo sulle spiagge e al mare di Stokville per esibire la propria traboccante sicurezza-io. Incitava gli ascoltatori a non vergognarsi delle dimensioni e suggeriva esercizi mentali e fisici per sviluppare al meglio la sicurezza-io. Erano cose semplici, ma funzionavano perfettamente ed utilizzavano spesso specchi, massaggi del partner, ampie scollature, creme ed unguenti miracolosi che lo stesso Issak vendeva assieme alle famose pietresfoglie che sembravano possedere un effetto magnifico sullo sviluppo della sicurezza-io.

Si cominciò ad asserire che questa fosse in assoluto la Rivoluzione più importante della storia di Stokville e chiaramente cominciarono ad esserci i primi clashes, mostly generational, who saw the old professors, teachers, some parents argue against the thought of the staunchest supporters of the liberalization of safety-I as the highest expression of culture and art.

Young women most of all they started to walk half naked with bare shoulders to the butt to demonstrate that their safety-I was virtually unlimited and all cluttered up the spine.

This new fashion of some old Stokville furious and all the various saints and witches, sorcerers, all belonging to the seven conservative who had always professed the propriety of the safety-io.Ci were veritable reprisals. And there were the first deaths. The first martyrs.

Issak thundered by Radio I-Security and the minds of young people increasingly inflamed swelling their humps.

Supporters of safety-I became similar to the giant turtles and their shells had an invincible shield.

In a short time were much more robust and strong and their opponents as they were even younger, and professed sex-security-i-liberalized became much more numerous and their children had already grown a few months.

Revolution lasted nine years.

Gradually, as they were built and distributed scatoleneruste began to jam ... then stop altogether, until it becomes totally unusable.

same time all the revolutionaries began to feel a strange security-ego deflation and women had no greater pleasure in exposing their bare back. Indeed all first began to feel an itching and then to have a real nuisance, a burning, painful feeling of shame.

Issak Someone surmised that had suddenly deflated, asserted that someone else had exploded ... it also said that he had fled, he had swallowed tons of foil nerusta and died ... certain is that he does not s'ebbe news.

After many years when I was not safety- even more visible to the naked eye, but was simply a state of mind and forgot the people were afraid even to communicate with each other, it was learned that Issak was considered pericolossissimo for Mental Health and sicurazza public, by a court of seeds author of the well-clandestine tampering scatoleneruste, had been imprisoned. Just had died in jail without even a chance to speak and sing because he was also fined the cut of the tongue.