Saturday, October 24, 2009

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... and the time is trees golden leaves that drop ....

.... and it is time that shortens the days ...

....una stellina si ferma ad ascoltare.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's Your Pokemon Silver Team


L'universo è in equilibrio quando le due mani si uniscono.
(Dugpa Rimpoce)

Friday, October 16, 2009

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Col di Lana

The two summits of the Col di Lana (left) seen from the north, right behind the Sief Mount Marmolada glacier
Among the many peaks soaked with the blood of so many innocent youth sent to die in the first World War II to human stupidity, deserves a particular attention to the Col di Lana, later renamed by the soldiers: "With Blood."
m.2462/slm Alto, Col di Lana is not a very flashy mountain in the midst of beautiful mountains that surround it.
Col di Lana has a squat pyramid-shaped, woody at the base and very steep, grassy and rock hopping along the south side.

Il Col di Lana visto da sud in una foto del 1915

Sulla sommità due le cime separate da una selletta: Col di Lana e monte Sief, tali vette nel 1915 erano presidiate dall'esercito austro-ungarico; nel maggio del 1915 solo pochi e anziani miltari austriaci erano a guardia del confine dolomitico, il generale Nava al comando della IV armata italiana, allo scoppio della guerra, anziché avanzare in una zona pressocché sguarnita di truppe nemiche, temporeggiò per lungo tempo dando così modo agli austriaci di inviare truppe combattenti che si insediarono in cima a tutte le vette delle Dolomiti, Nava venne poi destituito da Cadorna, ma ormai il danno era fatto e altissimo fu il tributo di vite umane pagato per conquistare le vette in mano agli austriaci.
Il Col di Lana ed il versante settentrionale dello stesso erano in mano austriaca, per conquistare la sommità, innumerevoli attacchi italiani, finirono con un bagno di sangue , perché a causa della morfologia del sito, per arrivare dal versante meridionale alla vetta, bisognava percorrere un lungo tratto su pendii molto ripidi e senza ripari, dove dal crinale di vetta, gli austriaci avevano buon gioco a falciare con le mitragliatrici e con l'artiglieria gli italiani che avanzavano in piena vista del nemico.
Dopo sei mesi di inutile strage, un sottotenente propose di minare la vetta costruendo una galleria, il nome del sottotenente Gelasius was Caetani, a mining engineer, descendant of the Duke of Sermoneta and family who gave the history of the Caetani pope Boniface VIII.

The second from the left: Lieutenant Gelasio Caetani, creator of the lead wool Col
In mid-January of 1916 began the excavation of the tunnel, the Austrians noticed the huge piles of rock that was extracted from the mountain and could not understand why a lot of work, with great cunning Caetani required the intervention of the artillery had to shine when the mine tunnel, so bursts of gunfire concealed the outbreak of mines.
Only towards the end of the tunnel guessed the reason of that work.
the summit alternated every three days, two companies under the command of the Austro-Hungarian captain Hadelbert Homa and Lieutenant von Toni Tschurtschenthaler.
The night between 16 and 17 April 1916, the company was taken over the captain's Homa, greeting with emotion Captain Lieutenant Homa said: "It's up to you Toni" - "Do not be so terrible," said the lieutenant.
At 23.30 on April 17, 1916 azionò the switch that did explode the mine, in an instant
200 men were swallowed up by the mountain, only an Austrian was thrown by the explosion of hundreds of meters distance in a canyon, and after two days of terrible suffering, he managed to return to their lines, but was unable to utter any word for terror had become mute.

awesome cross appeared above the Col of wool for some time before the explosion, almost a premonition.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Name Of The Song Jordin Sparks Sang On Suite Life

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fig: Webcam Stockholm, 14 October 2009 at 14:55