Monday, November 30, 2009

Little Mermaid Car Wash, Madison, Wi


Castle Predjama,
the last window on the left: is the site of meditation
Erasmus Lueger
projectile struck the launching catapult,
the reconstruction of a catapult in the bottom center of the photo.

After visiting the caves Skocjan and dined at a nearby restaurant (the restaurant prices in Slovenia are small), we continued to visit the castle or Predjama Lueger Castle (Grad Preddjama in Slovenian). Spectacular
the glance of the castle that appears after a curve on the road nine kilometers from Postojna.
sunken castle materializes in a gigantic cave,

behind a wall peak of 123 meters, the only one castle in a cave in the world
. The origins of the castle date from the thirteenth century, it is a building on several floors of different ages, the castle is known to have belonged to Erasmus Lueger, a local squire devoted to banditry, ennobled in 1478 by Grand Duke Friedrich III of Augsburg for the services rendered by Erasmus. Later, during a conflict between Augsburg and the king of Hungary, Erasmus sided for the Hungarians. relations with Frederick III broke for the knight Erasmus Lueger killed a marshal of the court of Augsburg, after the crime Erasmo dug
the drawbridge

in his den and began to plunder the caravans of merchants doing so enraged the emperor of Austria, the Austrian troops besieged the fort during the winter and spring of 1484, but was mocked by the besieged, when after long months of siege, from the castle, which now must be on its last legs, they began instead to rain on besiegers quarters of beef roast, vegetables of various kinds and even baskets of fresh cherries.
In the bowels of the mountain, behind the fortress, a development of karst caves linked to the river Vipava, allows men to sneak out of Erasmus and make food supplies in the surrounding countryside. all ended with the betrayal of a servant of Erasmus, the knight was use to perform their bodily functions at night and while he was seated on the throne concentrated in time of need, the traitor signals the presence of Erasmus in the Cabinet,

the door at the end is the throne room where Erasmo died
right of the door to catapult balls of stone

stone catapult balls

a stone thrown by a ball Erasmo catapult struck in the head killing him instantly.
Knight-robber, was buried near the castle, near a late-Gothic church of the fifteenth century *, according to legend, his beloved had planted a linden tree on the grave that even today, huge, protects remains of Erasmus. unforgettable tour of the chateau e delle grotte, nel castello è visibile una pietà del 1420,

interessanti le varie sale che mostrano come si viveva in un castello nel medioevo,

la sala da pranzo

il cappellano



a unique tour of an extraordinary site, unique in the world

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Aluminum Wheels Curb Rash ?

Skocjan Caves-Skocjan

from Belvedere: the picture in a sinkhole of Skocian summer three years ago

I would suggest for a trip, two very beautiful places a few miles away from each other .
They stay on the Carso, Slovenia.
These are the caves and the castle of St. Canziano Predjama.
Caves Skocjan (protected in 1986 by 'Unesco world heritage list since 1999 and the Ramsar Convention as a wetland in the world's largest underground).

from Belvedere: the bottom of the valley where the river Reka sinks

The caves are covered by the Reka River, one of the most mysterious rivers of the world, the Reka Group was founded in the snowy mountains and after a distance of 55 km. sinks in the caves of San Canzian (Skocianske Jame in Slovenia), where after a stretch of 2500 meters and 25 waterfalls disappears in the bowels of the earth, and after about forty km underground route unknown, as the river emerges Timavo forming three sources close to Saint John at Duino, a few miles from Trieste, which has resulted, after a couple of miles in the Gulf of Trieste, thus gaining the prize for shortest river in Italy.
visit (drive) a couple of miles takes about an hour and a half, in the caves the temperature is constant 12 °, due to moisture and water infiltration is advisable to visit with some sturdy shoes the foot and jacket.
In the first part you can visit the "cave of silence,"

nelle grotte

ricchissime di stalattiti e di stalagmiti dalle forme meravigliose e di molteplici colori,

spettacolari concrezioni multicolori

fra le quali una stalagmite denominata il Gigante alta 15 metri che si calcola siano stai neccessari 250.000 anni di accumulo di concrezioni calcaree per la sua formazione.


Nella seconda parte si entra

nella grandiosa e indimenticabile " Grotta del rumore",

from the caves of silence, we enter the caves noise

so named because the noise caused by the river in the depths of the abyss Rieka.
This cave 100 meters high and 60 wide is crossed at 45 meters from a daring bridge.

to 45 meters high bridge a bold

After this cave Reka sinks into the mystery.

the Reka River sinks into the mystery, the green lights are the lights of the walkway
(photo is the official site)

Heading towards the exit through other wonders, finally reaches the last cave where the light of day finally arrives, this huge cave walls 160 meters high with a diameter of 300 gives to the exit, a path, outdoors, with spectacular views over the river leads to an elevator for ascending to the visitor center.
From the visitor center along a picturesque path in a forest after a couple of hundred meters you arrive at the Belvedere, with a breathtaking view of the valley and the village on the opposite side.

mists from Belvedere St. Canziano

PS: One of the next post will be dedicated to the mysterious castle Predjama

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Scareface Wrestling Singlets


want our even the water we drink TO GIVE IN TO MONOPOLY MULTINAZIONAI:
FERMAT !!!!!

comes from the ground water, the water comes the soul ...

and rivers and the sea, is lake, pond, ice and more ...
is sweet, salty, brackish
is the place at which you stop and you are traveling

is pleasure and fear, enemy and friend is
border and
is infinite change and immutability
memory and oblivion
... a frothy cascade
s'appende to the sides of monte
Li Po

Questo è il Serchio
al quale hanno attinto
duemil'anni forse
di gente mia campagnola
e mio padre e mia madre
che mi ha visto nascere e crescere
Giuseppe Ungaretti
is the song of water
is something eternal.
It 's the deep lymph
that matures fields
Garcia Lorca

We must stop them!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Can U Get A Relaxer Directly After Washing Hair

Piazza del Popolo

Rome, Saturday, November 14, 2009

Piazza del Popolo

eravamo in centomila uniti per far sentire anche la nostra voce assieme a tanti, troppi, lavoratori senza un futuro, perché le aziende chiudono, perché il capitale porta i suoi interessi in altri angoli del mondo, indifferente alle migliaia di famiglie a cui viene sottratta la speranza ,di famiglie che dalla sera alla mattina si ritrovano senza reddito con i mutui da pagare, perché gli avevano fatto credere che i soldi si trovavano facilmente; questi lavoratori si erano illusi di poter finalmente diventare proprietari di una casupola and to send their children to college, with great sacrifices, but because the statement could have a better future than their parents, all this and more was brutally erased.
One question, for me, remains unanswered: Why
in the square there was only missing the CGIL and the other unions?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Can I Run Antenna Wire Under Carpet

the colony

many, many years ago I lived in a mountain village a thousand feet above sea level, the country's economy was based on the work of the past chair-street, (work traditional country) and the work of miners, too, was a traditional work, because the base of the mountain on which stood the village, there was a cuprifera pyrite mine, mine certainly existed since the beginning of 1400, but almost certainly mined ore already a few hundred years before.
This was the largest pyrite mine of the Serenissima which drew iron, copper and sulfur.
This mine was a concession to Montecatini from 1910 until 1962 the year of final closure. All
years in that war, the colony of Montecatini on the Adriatic coast sent in workers' children, so I made myself the three-week seaside holiday camp.
I remember that I did not want to get away from my family and make less heavy posting, I was magnified the beauty of the sea, telling me that ended their race in the sea waters of all rivers and told me that the planes were flying over the sea, so in my mind of a child I imagined an expanse of water fed by a huge waterfall in which was merged with the water of all rivers and over this fall like flies, flew planes, then the time came for disappointment when I realized that the big waterfall there.
Then came the day of departure, when I left the village with a large Magone and although I was only six years, I remember that in an empty box of Magnesia San Pellegrino, I had brought a fistful of earth in my country, arrived at the small station next to mine and I miei compagni venimmo presi in consegna dall'infermiere della miniera, poi il primo viaggio in treno sul trenino elettrico della Montecatini fino alla stazione delle Ferrovie dello Stato.
Poi ricordo la grossa locomotiva a vapore che entrava in stazione sbuffando, avvolta in un cappa di fumo nero e di sibillante vapore.
Saliti sulle carrozze con i sedili di legno di terza classe, continuò l'avventura verso paesi sconosciuti: la stazione di Padova, poi Bologna e infine Rimini destinazione colonia Italia, ( e negli anni seguenti anche la contigua colonia Aurora)

Le tre settimane di soggiorno le ricordo come un periodo di lacrime per la nostalgia di casa, a tale proposito una cartolina ricevuta da mia madre For a long time I have worn under the blouse in contact with skin, I remember the fried fish that I ate with gusto, was an unknown dish on the table of a family that lived in the Dolomites, then I remember that we enjoyed some juggling with his magic and a few films that were projected outside.
The "lady" who greeted us was a young teacher and her name was Ada Negri, in later years at school when I learned a poem by Ada Negri, I felt proud of my thinking was "Miss", did not know that the poet had died some years before .
learned new games to play on the beach with the soft caps or build sand castles.
When the weather was clement is bathed and walks on the beach.
A tragedy occurred to me one night when I woke up in the blood of the nose and in the dim light of the dormitory tried his handkerchief to dab the blood and macchiai the blue jacket of Montecatini, I was scolded by the "lady" for having soiled with blood and I thought that I did not deserve all the blame for an event that was not in my power to control, it's been several decades now, but I have always considered the reproach that a real injustice.
Another vivid memory: the red moon, huge rose from the sea, to my child's eyes, the moon was huge because I was much closer to the moon than the country, then the songs that made us sing in the evening, was " The mountain "that I loved as I reported on my mountains and the other to the tune of "Farewell My Lovely Farewell ..." was:
"farewell Italy Cologne,
only stay here, I'll leave my heart

for years to come.

The backpack is prepared and the rest have it with me.
and at sunrise
I'll leave you. "

dell'agognato So the time came back home, the long journey on trains pulled by red-hot from the sun and the panting locomotive with coal smoke coming in through the windows and made his eyes water, the muffled fierce thirst by drinking a few sips from the washbasin in the bathroom even if a brass plate around the torch warned, non-potable water. Finally
again home with many stories to tell to family and friends that do not yet know the train and the sea.
I still very much in the memory just returned home when I looked around with wondering eyes in three weeks to see how nature is so lush and how they grew so much the bean plants, I had less than seven years.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kates Playground Full Free

November 4, 1918

91 years have passed since the end of the "Great War", but after so long in the Dolomites continue to resurface unburied corpses of soldiers who lost their lives in the terrible tragedy that young people were sent to slaughter da generali incapaci e crudeli, generali per i quali la vita umana (degli altri) aveva meno valore della vita di una mosca; i racconti degli anziani che quella guerra l'avevano combattuta mi hanno accompagnato durante la mia infanzia segnandomi profondamente, allora in occasione del quattro novembre un pensiero a tanta gioventù sotto maciullata dalla guerra sotto tante bandiere e tanti preti benedicenti Centra e un urlo disperato: Basta con le guerre!
Non ci sono guerre giuste quando in tanti angoli del mondo dove si combatte le vittime sono civili, bambini, donne, anziani, gente inerme...

No more wars!

Top Four December 23, 1915

whole night
thrown to a teammate near

massacred with his mouth
When the full moon with the congestion

of his hands ...
(Giuseppe Ungaretti)

A plate exposed in the church on Falzarego, place of fighting.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What Do Flea Bites Look Like When There Scared

tribute to Alda Merini

Sono nata il ventuno a primavera

ma non sapevo che nascere folle, aprire le zolle potesse scatenar tempesta. Così Proserpina lieve vede piovere sulle erbe, sui grossi frumenti gentili e piange sempre la evening. Perhaps it is her prayer.

(Alda Merini)

Thanks Alda your poem will live forever