Monday, January 25, 2010

Where Is The Extra Fuel Tank On Poptropica

Memorial Day

When the Nazis came for the Communists,
I remained silent: I was not a Communist.

When locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent: I was not social democrats.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not hear the my voice: I was not union.

When they came for the Jews,
remained silent: I was not a jew.

When they came for me,
was no one left
that could make my voice heard.

(verses attributed to Bertold Brecht, but probably taken from a speech by Martin Niemoeller at the end of World War II. A German Protestant pastor Martin Niemoellerer opponent of Nazism, interned in various concentration camps including Dachau)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jim Banks Probate Scam

Guido Rossa 24 January

A year after the previous post, the public again a tribute to that great man and hero who was Guido Rossa.

"Everyone must take responsibility.
I have done my duty and I reported what I saw"

I want to pay tribute to a hero of our times: Guido Rossa.
fallen under the lead of the Red Brigades January 24, 1979.

With his sacrifice brought about a rupture between the Red Brigades and the working class in the factories, where the Red Brigades did not find more acceptance and the sad history of those years changed.

Gold Medal for valor civil

'trade unionist member of the works council of a major industrial plant, struggling to defend the institutions and the highest democratic ideals of freedom. While aware of the dangers they faced, did not hesitate to cooperate in the interests of justice in the fight against terrorism and fell under the blows of a firearm in a cowardly and treacherous tesogli ambush by members of subversive organizations. Admirable example of civic spirit and uncommon courage pushed to the extreme sacrifice.
Genoa, January 24, 1979. "

Guido Rossa was a very strong climber, but he wanted to give to the 'go on the rocks," disappointed by the lack of commitment of many social climbers, very touching letter of farewell to this' mountaineering public with the consent of her daughter: the 'O norevole Sabina Rossa.

Caro Ottavio
L' indifferenza, il qualunquismo e l'ambizione che dominano nell'ambiente alpinistico in genere, ma soprattutto in quello genovese, sono tra le squallide cose che mi lasciano scendere senza rimpianto la famosa lizza della mia stazione alpina.
Da parecchi anni ormai mi ritrovo sempre più spesso a predicare agli amici, l' assoluta necessità di trovare un valido interesse nell'esistenza, che si contrapponga a quello quasi inutile ( e non nascondiamocelo, forse anche a noi stessi) dell'andar sui sassi.
Che ci liberi dal vizio di quella droga che da troppi anni ci fa sognare e credere semidei o superuomini chiusi nel nostro solidale egoismo, unici abitanti di un pianeta senza problemi sociali, fatto di liscie e sterili pareti sulle quali possiamo misurare il nostro orgoglio virile, il nostro coraggio, per poi raggiungere (meritato) un paradiso di vette pulite, perfette e scintillanti di netta concezione tolemaica, dove per un attimo o per sempre, possiamo dimenticare di essere gli abitati di un mondo colmo di soprusi e di ingiustizie, di un world where one person in three lives in a state of chronic hunger, two out of three are undernourished and where up to sixty million dead 'years, forty starving!
So I think, we must finally come down among men to fight with them, spreading among all people our solidarity, leading to the achievement of greater social giusizia, which leaves a trace, a sign, men every day and help us to make valid the 'our existence and our children.
But probably these sermons to appeal especially to myself, because even if, from the 'age of reason love for social justice and the rights of 'man for me has been the dominant motif, fin' I spent a few hours of my strength to implement something good in this sense (......).
Italy contrasts with its serious political situation presents a particular (......), I think that our job is not to develop models of society (.....) .
Recently I was elected delegate votes with regular department. Start here and probably finish my career as a trade unionist.
I wanted to stay out, but I was cornered, I say that talking is not enough! And since the first day I started the attack, so for three or four years can not throw me out ....
Genoa, February 15, 1970

I lift my eyes to the mountains ...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Which Size Whisker Biscuit Should I Get

between dark pines

... unfolds between dark pines the wind ...
... pass the same day, chasing one another ...

(Pablo Neruda)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Value Of Pez Dispensers

l'oceano vuole esprimere
la musica delle onde,
ma produce solo schiuma
che di continuo si perde.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stir Crazy Birmingham Jail Song


S empre vi è stato detto che il lavoro è una maledizione e la fatica una sventura. Ma io vi dico che quando lavorate answered a more remote part of the dream of the earth, that was given in the same fate when the dream originated. Living in your efforts, you love truth in life. And to love life through labor is to understand the deepest secret.
(Kalil Gibran)