Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dolly Kumarhigh Definition

Così fan I burp!?

had to take it to the tongue, cursed lupaccio mangy wolves. For days, would not allow it and yes, he was gentle and sweet as a mouse the cat the Gigia. Gasp! The only name the cat's red Gigia authorize the orecchiette was placed on a perfect circle and super cute chubby plump little head. Gasp! Repeated Ligio mouse, I have to get rid of this terrible look of lupaccio. Since I had made its tongue, in fact the lupaccio Panclazio that was the name that mass of hair and dust, we said, since Ligio mice showed him her tongue out of proportion, Panclazio was pissed off bad. I do not see gave, of course not, but his gaze usually wolf-sheep was incredibly turned red-demon, like the eyes of the spiked blunt-tailed demon cat of the truncated Gigia. Okay, 'but that's another history, but it is a story so frightening, yet so frightening, that our little hero, mouse Ligio, forgotten in the blink of an eye. And indeed he was speaking of eyes, I think. If there were all these interruptions could be said, indeed, that the wolf Panclazio, one-eyed friend of the bear in one eye, then the eye just lost it that time ... eh, it should be 'if we continue like this, is the story of mice and wolf Ligio Panclazio not we end up not even for tomorrow. I have to pull to the language and so everything Acconci, repeated in a low voice, but so low that it seemed like when that old blue balloon is bored or when the Gigia makes soap bubbles with a mitlagliatlice laffica. Mouse Ligio is the most beautiful of Gigia mouse, except that this time he lost his tail to the fury of calezze Gigia, of course, certainly would have won that "the mice Concolso More Pleziosi of Gigia. What a pity, that time! He made only Telz Plemo! As if the mouse or Bliciola Topina Malica were really more beautiful than him. Well of course he has that great language, but have you ever seen a mouse nicer than him? No! I believe not: Ligio rat has a pink nose and round as the most beautiful pink nose and round we've ever seen and well located to the right and left upper lip as the most beautiful mustache positioned left and right who have never visas and has a beautiful white dress with ligh losa and that sock ploplio brush, as Gigia says every time he plays a bit 'with him to tila and spring. Whenever the Gigia tila him a beautiful spring tongue, but so beautiful, but so beautiful, but so beautiful that the whole Gigia lide! Who could imagine that Panclazio wolf would not have liked his amazing performace? Especially at night the red eyes of demon-lupaccio stood in the dark and agitated all the dreams of mice to mouse Ligio. I can not go, we repeated our hero, I have to approach with caution and pull his tongue, but I do like caspitarola him to open the mouth with a dentacci yellow triangles? One day the Gigia him stood before him and leaned him a nice burp in faccia! Ti è piaciuto il mio luttone? Gli chiese più impertinente del solito, tanto che topo Ligio si preoccupò che stesse già diventando adolescente e gli adolescenti, si sa benissimo, spesso rinunciano ai loro giocattoli preferiti o li gettano dal balcone o li buttano nella pattumiera o li regalano o gli fanno i luttoni in faccia?! Però topo Ligio prese subito la palla al balzo, che significa non perse l'occasione, e rivolgendosi con quanto fiato aveva in gola a lupo Panclazio, disse: - Così fan rutti!? E tu li sai fare i super lutti della Gigia? Lupo Panclazio spalancò la boccaccia con i dentacci a triangoli gialli e lesto lesto, significa veloce veloce, topo Ligio si appese con tutta la sua forza alla lingua lunga long and thin fine of lupaccio. Instantly the eyes of the wolf became a wolf-pecorellissima eyes and his mouth came a call from Gigia callilion sweet music! ©
Milena Esposito


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