Monday, October 4, 2010

Difference Between Vx And Vx Sport


"Upskirt". A Scurti metraj-independent director in him Cristi Sandulescu. A film

care is spreading tipare you go prejudecati challenge, care if a movie is Detas de stereotipiile Romaneasca din film.
Jocuri ale seduction, fetish, obsession and tragedy. Parallel stories, destiny that interfere. A vision and a film style re strange impact at the conceptual level.
eroticism and surrealism.

Post-production. Directed

scenario - Cristi Sandulescu
Assistant director - Sorin Gociu
Secretary & Director plateau photo - Aunt Valentina

Cast - John Smith

Alex Barson
Catalin Lungu
Cristi - Haiducii
Angelica Manta
Ana Sandu etc.
- an independent film, directed him in Cristi Sandulescu
Until a few weeks ago I never thought that I had the 'opportunity to participate as an actor and have a role in a movie .... something new and far away from what I've done so far is for business or fun.
Ioana One day I said they are looking for a person for a role in a film negative male character ... tells me that the director saw my pictures would be willing to give me that part, then I should go to Bucharest to them for a month ... Sincerely
initially I did not give importance to these words ... something too far away from me, from what I had done this before and my goals for the future ... I did not know what he was talking and my head was full of other thoughts to myself a lot more 'land ...

col passare dei giorni sono stato sollecitato piu' volte e ho dato la mia disponibilita' ... Ho pensato : infondo e' una esperienza nuova e ci sono tante persone che vorrebbero essere al mio posto ... forse mi divertiro' ...E poi potro' dire che anche io ho fatto un film .... Va be dai proviamo ....

Cosi ho preso l'aereo e sono andato a Bucarest ...
La prima sera ho conosciuto il regista, cameraman, assistenti e attori: tutte persone stupende con cui mi sono subito sentito a mio agio. poi il secondo giorno SI GIRA !!!

Io avevo letto il copione del fil 3 o 4 volte pero' bo!!!! Che devo fare ???!!! Fortuna che ho lavorato con dei veri professionisti che sono riusciti a darmi tutte le indicazioni necessarie per arrivare fino in fondo !!! Senza di loro sarebbe uscito fuori un disastro !!! Sono stati pazienti ed mi hanno fatto ripetere le scene, mi hanno messo a mio agio  fino a quando ci siamo riusciti !!!
Durante le riprese mi sono reso conto di quanto sia difficile recitare: ricordarsi le battute, fare gesti ed espressioni al momento giusto !!! Bravi questo attori ... Fanno un lavoro difficile!!!
Comunque io ero tesissimo ... Fortuna che con le cineprese e con la professionalita' del regista si possono fare miracoli !!!
Alla fine dei 4 giorni mattina fino a sera ero distrutto, ma mi sono divertito tantissimo e sono contento di aver fatto questa cosa !!!
ora aspetto che il film sia terminato per farlo vedere a tutti i miei amici !!!!!!

Cristi Sandulescu   Ai reusit to join our fantastic role well, watching everything we shot last night, we analyze the scenes and frames ... and realize that I could not find anyone better suited to the role of photographer.
You were very responsive to my instructions directing, we communicated well, you were fully involved, I will ask you to
play in my movies.

Frankly, the pleasure was all mine and I definitely think as soon as other scenarios in which you find yourself, because I continue to work (obviously, if you want and you the same thing).
nice trip to Italy, be relaxed, smile, remind you all these days, Relive the moments and keep in touch.


15 settembre alle ore 12.35 · · · Vedi Botta e risposta

    • Alessandro Barsacchi I am very happy ... and most of this occasion I am glad that some people have noted for deozebite and now I have more friends ! Christ the cargo tie mult toate care au personele contribuit realizarea Acestes the film ...... thank you thank you thank you all!
      September 15 at 20:19 ·

Secret Life Haiducii Directed by Cristi Sandulescu , "upskirt" ( "Under the Skirt" ) is an erotic psychological thriller with strong influences.

film tells the story of a fatal women, with a high school student looking for thrills, becomes the victim of a psychotic photographer, played by Italian Barsacchi Alessandro, former fiance of dummy Laurette and current boyfriend of Joan Popescu .
Furthermore, sexy-journalist, who handled the casting, plays the woman's, ladies' company a nonconformist and full of eroticism.
And brunette is just one of the clients from Cristi outlaws, as you can see in the pictures provided exclusively WWW.STL.RO !
In other roles will appear Plesa Carmen, who will play the mother a photographer, her snake, python Kaa, and hair-stylist Adrian Pescariu , distributed in a role

STAR magazine
Plesea Ioana Carmen Popescu and will play in an erotic thriller

Plesea and journalist John Carmen Popescu, devoratoarea footballers are inseparable lately, they are being displayed together everywhere. More recently, two have received a proposal from a Romanian director Cristi Sandulescu, known more for Keo's made videos, play in an erotic thriller called "upskirt" (Under Skirt), which will detach from the stereotypes approaching a Romanian film classic avant garde style. It will be a short, and the story is about a psychotic young photographer who is obsessed with a femme fatale (John Smith), as well as a high school student. In other roles will appear Plesea Carmen, who will play the mother a photographer, her snake Kaa, and Adrian Pescariu, which will have a positive role. Mainly negative role at the photographer, will be played even by his friend Mary, the Italian Alessandro Barsacchi former iubit al manechinului Laurette. Filmarile vor incepe saptamana viitoare si vor avea loc in cateva cluburi din Bucuresti, printre care Vibe Café, precum si in apartamentul lui Carmen Plesea. (D.I.)


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