Monday, December 20, 2010

Fingerboard Table Plans

My friends and extraterrestrial

primrose magazine article written by me: "What?" I was asked to continue to realize that I'm working now. next to numbers you read about another experience I lived and not only that ...

amichetti Per gli italiani che ho traduco l'Articolo scritto per la rivista sanguine: "What?" Nella Quale persone pew 'o meno loro esperienze conosciute raccontano Psychic them.

One greenhouse d 'estate, all' eta 'di 11 anni stavo giocando close to home in a courtyard of houses under construction with a friend, Marco.
It was about 22:00 and we were sitting on a concrete cube, a light in the sky when I draw 'our attention. Even today after 24 years I remember those images as if it were now! It was a ball that looked like a bright star, but it was about 20 times more 'big, attraverzo' everything 's horizon with a linear motion parallel to the ground and leave behind a long strip of light about 3 times its diameter. Then after a few seconds long and it 'disappeared in the sky. Incredulous, we looked at the 'with one' another and obviously we have not understood what we had seen. L ' All I can say with certainty 'that after the vision was not scared, but I was happy' cause I had the feeling of having been privileged to have witnessed something unusual that not everyone is lucky enough to see. The first thing we asked was whether we had seen a UFO. Even today I did not understand what I saw tonight and I have not ruled out that he was truly a privilege to have seen objects coming from space.
I can say that the day after he appeared in local newspapers the news of a sighting of an unidentified object ... just what we had seen us.
From that days the thought that other life forms could exist in space has always fascinated me and every time I had the opportunity I've always looked to the sky hoping to see something or someone. So 'I began to document a bit' and I found a movement whose theories explain the existence of other people into space and the creation of the Earth: "The Raelian movement," in which I am also joined.
In every part of the earth 'can find descriptions of gods' coming from the sky or the stars that would have created all life and the human being existing in their own image and likeness. All religions and myths 'ancient confirm that such a creation event has already' made in the past on our planet.
In the Bible, for example, and 'wrote: "and Elohim create' every living thing that moves upon the earth (Genesis 1-25).
The word Elohim, and that 'erroneamene been translated with the word' God 'is a plural, which in ancient Hebrew means "those who came from heaven." This clearly indicates that they were intelligent beings from the sky to create life on earth. Only now can we understand how these people came from the sky began their immense work of creation.

Only now that we're about to find out ourselves how to create life in the laboratory.
In the past, agriculture and 'farm, the men were using selective breeding systems, but now' we have the knowledge necessary to directly manipulate DNA and thus give rise to genetically modified organisms. The mastery of manipulation of DNA allows us to clone genetically identical copies of any organism. When will discovery techniques to transfer the memory and the experiences of a undividuo from the old body to the one just cloned humans really become as the gods became immortal. If today a Teem scientists are able to work on the creation of life, and 'reasonable to think that we are only repeating that it' already 'happened in the distant past ???!!!
They began by creating the most simple life forms: the single-celled organisms. Over time, their knowledge increased and organizations they created more and more 'sophisticated and complex. The forms of life have not evolved by chance out of nothing, but have evolved hand in hand with imagination and scientific knowledge of these scientists came to Earth from space. All the bodies have been created through molecular biology more 'advanced.
Elohim finally arrived at 'peak of their creation. And Elohim said: "Let us make man in our image and likeness" (Genesis 1-27). They have created human beings of their own intelligence and providing them with the same capacity 'of feelings and emotions, the potential to become a day that is the Gods' creators of life. How could a God immaterial, intangible, and all this he wrote: "Behold, the man and 'become like one of us" (Genesis 3-22).
Over time, the Elohim decided to leave on their own progress. They decided to stay still in touch with us and helping us at various times of sending messengers who transmitted messages of love and wisdom to elevate the level of consciousness of past ages. Moses' Jesus Budda, Maumetto are just some of these messengers of the prophets. They were in direct contact with the Elohim, which often reinforced their credibility 'using their advanced technology. This is why their actions were regarded by their contemporaries primitive miracles. Today, however, 'these miracles would be entirely understandable because of our scientific knowledge. All the prophets, their messages transmitted in anticipation of an era when, thanks to science, human beings could rationally understand the 'work of our creators. The word "Apocasisse" does not mean "destruction", but means "Rivlazione. It 's the era in which science enables us to travel into space and create the life equaling our creators. We can finally understand their creative work, instead of continuing to worship in a childlike way.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tech Deck Vs Black Viver

finally 'got the trailer for "upskirt".

And here's me too! That they are bad bad!

"Upskirt". A
Scurti metraj-independent director in him Cristi Sandulescu. A film to be spreading
care tipare you go prejudecati challenge, care if a movie is Detas de stereotipiile Romanesc din filmul.
Jocuri seductiei ale, Fetis, dram obsesii. A non-epic
liniar, Povest Paralelo, destiny interfereaza care.
viziune O is a de stil filmare stranii, un impact stilistic puternic.
Erotism si suprarealism. 


Regia, scenariul - Cristi Sandulescu  
Asistent regie - Sorin Gociu  
Secretara platou & director foto - Valentina Matusa  

Cast - 
Ioana Popescu
Alessandro Barsacchi
Catalin Lungu
Cristi - Outlaws
Manta Angelica
Ana Sandu etc.
- an independent film directed by Cristi Sandulescu

Avant garde (in terms of angles and type of shots, the camera moves), does not follow the stereotypes of Romanian film. e'complessa The plot with complex characters, stories that are intertwined, a non-linear narrative, in which the shares are not in chronological order. It 's a crazy puzzle style of Tarantino of which the director and' an absolute fan. 'Upskirt' and 'the title, and it' the Italian translation "Under her skirt," because women in this film r ivelanoa provocative posture the border of decency and obscene. is far from an erotic film, it's just a movie which abounds with eroticism and art. A film that challenges the prejudices, with its images, but also through direct language, explicit. At the same time, the film has an epic and a plot that p ossiamo define an urban film specific elements of a psychological thriller
- Characters:

- Un fotografo che ha sviluppato malsana ossessione  per un certo tipo di donna;
- Una prostituta, un mix di femmina-fatale  , una donna molto bella e interessante
- Una ragazzina bella, dolcemente, che si muove in modo  provocatorio nel  particolare stile tipico dell sua età;
- Two young entrepreneurs who are placed in key moments of the film and provide the resolution of the film;
- Ua second prostitute prostitute of another generation, mother of the photographer

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pros And Cons Using Beam And Block Flooring

Capatos, Antena 1, A Show Pacatos

great emotion last night ... invited to the most 'important broadcast in Romania dedicated to worldliness', for the first presentation of the short length "Upskirt" I
stressatissimo ... I wanted it to be presented to all so perfect, but I knew that I would be attacked. And so 'and' state. It 'was a new and exciting experience ... tense nerves ... adrenaline to the max! Pero 'that challenge!
An experience that I linked to all those who participated in the creation of this short fortissimo ... Now I feel one person with all of them ... I feel strong with them ... we are very strong and we will win our challenge to all!
And now you know what?! On youtube thousands of people are coming to see our work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Panic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Alex Barson astazi a fost azi super canal of the ... good!
      Friday at 19.50 · · 3 people
    • Alessandro Barsacchi that annoys me a bit of me just ask me stupid ... but this is ... :)
      venerdì alle 19.51 · · I like it a persona
    • Cristi Sandulescu sit back, today was infinitely better than last night, quite a lot, but at the same time was more than hostility
      venerdì alle 20.04 · · persona
    • Catalin Lungu has nothing, even if you have alex .. Asked else but I wanted to know all tb (pt they know) that you really bn out in the film
      venerdì alle 20.07 · · 3 persone
    • Cristian Pantea ; I saw both shows, was chaos at the end of "boy" bald guy with the scarf do not know his name and give the show scrambled Kanal D, indeed pretty well was scored as Cristi says venerdì alle 20.33
      · · 3 persone
    • Anamaria Nedelcoff
      anyway I think we should expect enough to attack in the next period. frustration is high. To give an example, Anna's classmates as she plays trumpet in / porn movie:)). You've got nothing to do, that's level. If the ... Mostra Tutto
      venerdì alle 21.52 · · two people
    • Alex Barson suntem cei never Tari !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! it is nu bate nimen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! :)
      Friday at 22:01 · · 4 people
    • Cristi Sandulescu ia-mi spun give you mine, Mr. Barson, vehicle ever Juca filmele in apples? ca am de gand sa never solicit you:)
      Friday at 23:03 · · 2 Personnel
    • Alessandro Barsacchi Cristi ... Your intrabarea honors me very much ... folozesc all her energies to overcome here ... and then the A. so that we resist to mention that! merci ancodata more crystals for this gift we've done ... I now live an exciting time fosrte ... I am passionate is a challenge that very much ... its all about the beat! :)))
      venerdì alle 23.08 · I like it · 4 persone
    • Cristi Sandulescu
      but who do not even have to fight, Alessandro ... we are talking about that fight?
      battle that is no good to walk by, do not fear that you might lose, but because you are earning ridiculous:))
      were two shows with a format for scandals, we all know that from the start ... things have already come to normal, the film will be the destination's natural ... Then comes another film, and another, and another ...
      world knows that those who criticized us on the set, we congratulated backstage and explained that they only play a role, for the sake of ratings:)))
      but besides these, there are many that have plunged in unskilled absurd criticism ridiculous, unfounded ...
      not we never expected that appreciation has come from many, smaller and cheaper, right? :)))
      so, their critics, who the fuck cares? :))) Glissnot-hahaha!
      venerdì alle 23.24 · · 4 people
    • Alex Barson :::)))))))) Dapto maxima!
      Friday at 23:27 · · 1 person
    • Ioana Popescu Christs, este exact asa !!!!!!!!
      Friday at 23.40 · · 1 person

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How Long Do Homemade Truffles Keep

visiting Carmen Plesa Kaa

last night on a visit to Carmen and her beautiful python ....