Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tech Deck Vs Black Viver

finally 'got the trailer for "upskirt".

And here's me too! That they are bad bad!

"Upskirt". A
Scurti metraj-independent director in him Cristi Sandulescu. A film to be spreading
care tipare you go prejudecati challenge, care if a movie is Detas de stereotipiile Romanesc din filmul.
Jocuri seductiei ale, Fetis, dram obsesii. A non-epic
liniar, Povest Paralelo, destiny interfereaza care.
viziune O is a de stil filmare stranii, un impact stilistic puternic.
Erotism si suprarealism. 


Regia, scenariul - Cristi Sandulescu  
Asistent regie - Sorin Gociu  
Secretara platou & director foto - Valentina Matusa  

Cast - 
Ioana Popescu
Alessandro Barsacchi
Catalin Lungu
Cristi - Outlaws
Manta Angelica
Ana Sandu etc.
- an independent film directed by Cristi Sandulescu

Avant garde (in terms of angles and type of shots, the camera moves), does not follow the stereotypes of Romanian film. e'complessa The plot with complex characters, stories that are intertwined, a non-linear narrative, in which the shares are not in chronological order. It 's a crazy puzzle style of Tarantino of which the director and' an absolute fan. 'Upskirt' and 'the title, and it' the Italian translation "Under her skirt," because women in this film r ivelanoa provocative posture the border of decency and obscene. is far from an erotic film, it's just a movie which abounds with eroticism and art. A film that challenges the prejudices, with its images, but also through direct language, explicit. At the same time, the film has an epic and a plot that p ossiamo define an urban film specific elements of a psychological thriller
- Characters:

- Un fotografo che ha sviluppato malsana ossessione  per un certo tipo di donna;
- Una prostituta, un mix di femmina-fatale  , una donna molto bella e interessante
- Una ragazzina bella, dolcemente, che si muove in modo  provocatorio nel  particolare stile tipico dell sua età;
- Two young entrepreneurs who are placed in key moments of the film and provide the resolution of the film;
- Ua second prostitute prostitute of another generation, mother of the photographer


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