Sunday, February 27, 2011

Symptoms Of Kidney Stone Stuck In Urethra

Birdgardening and feeders ... Sergio

Sylvia atricapilla

Quest'anno è il quarto anno che metto mangiatoie in giardino d'inverno...
 fino ad ora non era stato un grande anno, anche se è ovvio che non lo faccio per chissà quali scopi ed è una soddisfazione guardare ed "aiutare" anche i "soliti" Merli e i "soliti" Passerotti, oltre che all'immancabile Pettirosso, che non mi ha mai tradito in quattro anni... ovviamente non sarà lo stesso e son almeno credo più d'uno, ma comunque non più di 2/3... Molte meno Cinciallegre e Cinciarelle than in years past, until now the season had been "anonymous", but in the last two days the situation has completely reversed and after the amazing and rare sighting yesterday , replicated today, today I recorded a new species that although not officially so unusual, I had not yet had the pleasure of seeing in my garden ... a sweet and tender Female Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) ... Very hungry, between the 'more ...


Ah, yes ... to Mensa dell 'Orso Tibetan si mangia proprio bene!!!  :-)))

Buona Luce, Orso Tibetano

Lava Stuck On Top Of Lamp

Retini, Mayor of Russi ...

Ma cosa farnetica il sindaco di Russi???

Aiutatemi a trovare la parola giusta...


How do you feel you reading a document, so vile and disgusting, false and demagogic, mystifying as to give the sick ...

and now I am going to analyze one by one, assuming that you find all the lies and deceptions of this press release to all online newspapers in the area .... obviously does not think he has such a straight face, that they have the courage to support these things in a public confrontation, if it was that both he and the author and there has instead only put the signature ...

In these days has been called the draft agreement between the City Council and Eridania / Powercrop for the conversion of the former sugar. "That way we put an end to the uncertainties raised on the development of the S. Eufemia, including motorway - says Sergio Retini, Mayor of Russians - putting pen to paper commitment that binds to the implementation of the Company 'entire project.

the opposite is true ... in fact, as you rightly say Gian Guido Naldi , parent of Left Ecology and Freedom in the regional council and a former trade unionist , that contract is a knife held by the neck from Power-Crop, which can then get all that calls under the blackmail of not doing that then what is required. ... and has not said that once cleared by the incinerator, as the lease then do it ....

"Now at stake is not only available - continues retina - but the maintenance department of sugar packaging and its doubling, the agro-energy (1) , the disposal of liquid waste herds ( 2) with biodigester, Sant'Eufemia development with the establishment of new companies on the territory (3) , the motorway junction and traffic (4) , extension I enjoy the nursery, the implementation of the Paradise Centre (5) to Russians, the investment on building St. James, the enhancement of the wetland (6) and all other compensation provided. This means hundreds of jobs, services and development. For this - the Mayor presses - the EIA process should be concluded quickly. " (7)

Forgotten, rehabilitation of the Italian public debt, the Libyan resolution of the crisis and the elimination of hunger and wars in the world, then he could plead insanity and we would have done better shape, so it is really miserable and pathetic .... but how some people sleep at night??

1) someone explain to me why in an area with a vocation agro-food industry, with several national and international excellence, you should blow it to hell, to make it a territory Agri-Energy? ? ... Among other things, a negative balance of jobs !!!...

2) on what to do with the waste of pig farms, I have an idea I would ... not the decency to put, but you already know what I would do ...

3) What a joke?? ... The total failure of the Industrial Canal Zone, in Bagnacavallo did not teach anything?? ... for those unfamiliar with the area, the area in question is located Bagnacavallo 7 / 8 mile to the Russians, is a ghost in that area the buildings are all empty for several years, despite it being located 10 meters (m not km) from junction dell'A14 say, on the road between Faenza, not many miles from the exit of Faenza same ....

4) As mentioned previously in another post, will use the excuse of traffic regulations, to add pollution to pollution ... in addition to smoke and also more concrete truck ... I now understand that the Russians might have some inferiority complex compared to neighboring countries, but is not that you can do a release every two to three .... this is also use of the land, and destroying as little as possible should be done ...

5) Do not I know what the "center paradise" but as I said elsewhere, "Paradise" combined with "Incinerator" on the one hand I find it quite "ironic" and other rather "left" ... and I add here, "haunting"

6) I know that funds are used, but what better use can there be a 'more livable and less polluted air??

7) You keep forgetting those who are lost in the agro-food industry ... balance the jobs will be passive ...

Presentation p. 44. High mechanization and low labor required for cultivation of poplars in the plain ...

We do, we pass to the threats?? the procedure of the EIA will be completed on time and in the manner prescribed by law, and possibly would comment independently and not dictated by this individual, a former trade unionist from almost € 100,000 a year ... the face of workers !!!... Since then there are the requirements to give the go ahead, it is hoped that the Conference of Services, has the balls to reject the project!

" I have the utmost respect for those who oppose the central (1) , but not for those who make claims brought alarm and false documents designed to protect interests that have little to do with people's health and work (2) . In a situation of grave economic crisis, those who are not able to grasp the new poverty and the plight of whole families for lack of work and responds only with the demagoguery, the manipulation and lies, it is certainly irresponsible ( 3) - concludes Retini -. We are talking about sustainable development through the application of advanced technologies, in strict compliance with current legislation and the reinvigoration Labour and the entire economic system of our country ". (4)

1) I or I have the greatest contempt for those who support the middle, without arguments, exploiting and falsifying the facts ... Despicable!

2) I swear that if I had more resources available, I already checked by a lawyer if there are grounds to a complaint and I would have made a report to the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office, because the judge verifies that is not appropriate for him to have a private interest in public affairs that concerns tens of thousands citizens and tens of thousands of hectares of land ...
But what raves?? False documents designed to protect interests etc etc ... Now, or tells us (and provides evidence) which "docunenti false" and which " interest "refers, or must be condemned!

2a) They did not wait for the replica 's -Ass Clan Destiny

3) guess he was talking about himself! endorse a project like this absurd and criminal, strumentalizzndo the economic crisis and the jobs that are not there, is not to be irresponsible, it is much, much worse!

4) commented on how lugonotizie, this individual does not know what to say and what it's about ... Stop him before it's too late!

Presentation of Central / Incinerator Power Crop, I presume presented to the Boards of Bagnacavallo area a few weeks ago ...

I recommend you read it all, but:

Page 68: Overall, there is a INCREASE of 50 T / year of total emissions of NOx (NO x is an acronym generic collectively identifies all oxides of nitrogen and their mixtures ) compared to the previous industrial plant, the refinery. This does not conform , etc etc ...

Page 69: ... it was not adopting the best technologies to limit the environmental impact ...

also reiterated to page 71!

Page 73

1) The proposed project is not related to the specific area where the plant is built.
2) The operation does not have the technological aspects aimed at more sustainable than the historical, natural and scenic qualities of the area.
3) Scarso coinvolgimento dei cittadini nel processo di comunicazione.
4) L'intervento non valorizza la risorsa termica dell'impianto.

Pag 74) Grazie dell'attenzione.

Buona Luce Orso Tibetano

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Warbler in the garden ...


Fine febbraio di tre anni fa... era il 2008....
Un day coming home for lunch, my wife, who in those days he was home from work for back problems, I feel that one of the feeders, which for the first year I put in the garden to help our little winged friends better than the winter, he had noticed a "sparrow" as big as a sparrow, but it was not a sparrow .... after a specific indication so I knew immediately that it was a 'Warbler (Sylvia melanocephala ) !!!...

Obviously a joke, but after that I managed to spot the first time too, I took the manual and tried to identify .... having only glimpsed and not having noticed the "occho red", the first attempt I had reduced to three species of the possibility that the new host ... the next day she could see better able to identify accurately, and in the days after taking photographs ... requesting information about, two well-known ornithologists in the area, and Stefano Gellini Pier Paolo Ceccarelli, I was told that the area where I live ... Romagna plain, more than thirty kilometers from the sea and pine woods .... outskirts of town on the border between town and country, was quite unusual and extraordinary if not impossible, to spot a typical Mediterranean species such as Warbler (Sylvia melanocephala) ... remained qulche day, then one day there was strong wind, he resumed his journey to best fit its habitat to live ...

Today, February 26, 2011, exactly three years from that 'event,' Warbler (Sylvia melanocephala ) (who can tell if there is a possibility that the same or less?) is back in my feeders to eat ....

Evidently the table dell 'Orso Tibetan not eat that bad ... :-)))

Needless to say it was a great joy and satisfaction volatile spot the funny ...

I take this opportunity to point out a beautiful and interesting site where, among many other things, you can listen to the songs of birds ...


Review Bird Songs and Sounds of Europe 's

Warbler Singing

Good Light, Bear Tibetan

What Does A Cervical Radiculopathy Look Like?

Wolf killed in Brisbane! Photo Exhibition on

Wolf killed by poachers

The mother of idiots is always pregnant, and this time at the expense, unfortunately, a young wolf was killed by poachers (INFAMI!!) In our Apennines, the hills ... Brisighellese and maybe there must be someone who will say: "Thank God, what if you attack someone ... as if the wolves attack humans ...

The News

Does Dvi Cable Quality Matter


Friends of
Photo Exhibition on Mezzano

A Ostellato from February 26 to March 27, L 'Association "Friends of the Middle Kingdom has The exhibition
Nature Photography dedicated to the reclamation of the vehicle, "The Wonders of the Middle Kingdom, a land of geese, owls and other Wonders

Opening Saturday, February 26 - 15 hours

In addition to the exhibition period shows, tours Bird Watching and Nature Photography by Maurizio Azzolini and other Friends of means, including a night hike Saturday, March 19 at 21 ...

For info and bookings on these and other events organized:

martino.guerra82 @ tel. 328-7533736
tel. 0533-681368

NB Click on the Flyers, to see them enlarged

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dry Unproductive Cough Treatment

Bevano Foce, has finally started killing of squatter huts ...

demolished squatter huts

One word :


I have not had a chance to go and see for yourself, but in recent days have finally started work on remediation and cleaning of one of the most beautiful natural areas of 'Italy and not only .. . unfortunately the network is not much about it, while the print media do not know others, but the rest of dl Carlino has given wide coverage to what ... is much work to do ... very much ... but at least they finally started and a true lover of nature and objective party can not but be happy ... those huts (which are not fishing, it is clear), had no hand, did not meet any standards and were punched in the eye .... the only shelters that should be there, should be exclusively for the study, observation and photography of rare species of birds that are in areas such as their natural habitat ... personally that area, formerly Nature Reserve, Natural Area should be INTEGRAL regularly closed to the public ....