Saturday, February 26, 2011


Warbler in the garden ...


Fine febbraio di tre anni fa... era il 2008....
Un day coming home for lunch, my wife, who in those days he was home from work for back problems, I feel that one of the feeders, which for the first year I put in the garden to help our little winged friends better than the winter, he had noticed a "sparrow" as big as a sparrow, but it was not a sparrow .... after a specific indication so I knew immediately that it was a 'Warbler (Sylvia melanocephala ) !!!...

Obviously a joke, but after that I managed to spot the first time too, I took the manual and tried to identify .... having only glimpsed and not having noticed the "occho red", the first attempt I had reduced to three species of the possibility that the new host ... the next day she could see better able to identify accurately, and in the days after taking photographs ... requesting information about, two well-known ornithologists in the area, and Stefano Gellini Pier Paolo Ceccarelli, I was told that the area where I live ... Romagna plain, more than thirty kilometers from the sea and pine woods .... outskirts of town on the border between town and country, was quite unusual and extraordinary if not impossible, to spot a typical Mediterranean species such as Warbler (Sylvia melanocephala) ... remained qulche day, then one day there was strong wind, he resumed his journey to best fit its habitat to live ...

Today, February 26, 2011, exactly three years from that 'event,' Warbler (Sylvia melanocephala ) (who can tell if there is a possibility that the same or less?) is back in my feeders to eat ....

Evidently the table dell 'Orso Tibetan not eat that bad ... :-)))

Needless to say it was a great joy and satisfaction volatile spot the funny ...

I take this opportunity to point out a beautiful and interesting site where, among many other things, you can listen to the songs of birds ...


Review Bird Songs and Sounds of Europe 's

Warbler Singing

Good Light, Bear Tibetan


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