La retromarcia era stata veloce, velocissima ed una nuvola di terra e sabbia aveva ricoperto la macchina che tornava da dove era arrivata, imponendo la chiusura dei finestrini ai viaggiatori.
La radio era accesa e, d’un tratto, una voce aggiornava il notiziario locale sulle ultime novità sul fantasma di Trentova.
Il comunicato parlava di registrazioni notturne e di un pianto.
Biagio non era a conoscenza di quella notizia e, dopo averne atteso la end with a sudden gesture, turned off the radio.
parked the car. The woman looked at him in silence.
He stared for a moment.
A faint hissing sound was heard. Came from the back seat, looking like a sigh. One of those sighs that children do when they pull up his nose, while they cry.
Biagio wanted to turn around: he felt a dip in the blood.
The woman put her hand on the door and tried to move a handle and pulled.
The shutter did not open the car: the door was locked.
He tried to open his hand and nothing: you could not get out.
He put in the car and began to run.
was heading fast towards the barracks. At the crossroads, tried to swerve, but the car felt driven and ran even faster.
Biagio wanted to approach, but the car did not respond to commands, then tried to turn it off, without success.
The car sped into the night and left the center town and taking the old road, went up Torchiara.
A series of curves of the car was swallowed up in the race.
Biagio turned on the radio: his hands were sticky and sweaty.
There was pop music.
Then there was a noise like interference, a whisper ... whisper ... crying.
He turned off the radio, pressing on the keys like a madman: the plants continue to come out from the speakers.
The car sped into the night and passed Cemetery Prignano, the center of a circle with Sant'Antuono and take the road towards San Martino.
Biagio reached for the woman who was sitting beside him.
She was cold, cold.
He tried to portray his hand, but she stopped and held.
Biagio entrargli felt his fingernails in the flesh.
looked at her and then abandoning the wheel, turned around and saw that she was pale and her hair disheveled.
In the face there were no pupils.
The car swerved again heading towards Rocca Cilento.
wheels scoured in an infernal noise.
Biagio breathed no more: she continued to claw his hand and crying was now more "human" and was clearly a presence behind them on the seats.
Biagio tried to look in the rearview mirror and saw something dark, maybe a face, yes, it was the face of the girl and her eyes were bright red.
brakes began to screech asphalt and the machine froze.
was in front of the cemetery of Rocca Cilento.
The woman opened the door and went down, then brought down the little girl from the back seat and took her in his arms.
Biagio started the car.
The woman and the girl went up the avenue of the cemetery.
The two doors were still wide open, the car was already in motion.
The race resumed.
Biagio had just time to see the parapet and was breaking into the ravine.
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