Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dillard's Formal Dresses


A music comes from another world. Rooms very slow. It is carried by the hands of silk. Vibra widening the notes like a true carillon. It is an old music such as roundtables, lost in the woods as the horse and the lady imprisoned in stone.
seems to smell good. It is echoed in a chapel of distances from a scholarly book on the cover of ruby \u200b\u200bred damask. From a different world arpeggios up to get the wrists. Until entrarti in the river of blood and saliva. Up to flow in tears and eyelashes sway of maids and little jars of clay to be dried in the sun. Drop by drop rain falls as uncertain in the air carved in sapphire. Search vibrations and stop the tide wave spread in gardens closed to the panting of the deities among pasture roses and freesias buds rhapsodies. You
pace between courses of dry leaves, of rotting leaves in closed drawers loneliness.
and dense cups of women in the first bloom of bodices loose hair pulled like strings dulcimer on the street corner in the backyards of ice and aluminum.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Church Anniversary Poem

Issak and security-

A Stokville, schools were taught to all students, since they were toddlers, who need to develop some good thing that we report here for convenience as translated safety-I.

Even moms and dads of Stokville were very careful that the safety-I grow in harmony with the physical and mental development of his own son.

Issak was a minstrel very good and being a connoisseur of stones Stokville had discovered that it could affect their voices heard on plates pietrasfoglia.

pietresfoglie And that these could play the song if you stuck a needle in small boxes containing foil nerusta.

So Issak began to affect their ballads and songs e a riprodurli tramite le scatoleneruste.In breve tempo riuscì a vendere sia le pietresfoglie che le scatoleneruste.

Non aveva il tempo di costruirle che già erano a suonare nella casa del capitano Kius o della signorina Mikje: tutti volevano la sua invenzione e tutti erano disposti a pagare profumatamente e a ringraziare di cuore Issak.

In breve tempo ovunque nelle case di Stokville c'erano almeno una scatolanerusta e decine di pietresfoglie.Soprattutto ai bambini, alle bambine, ai ragazzi e alle ragazze piaceva ascoltare la musica incisa da Issak.

E così Issak diventò molto popolare ed amato dal popolo di Stokville.

Ma la sua sicurezza-io cresceva a dismisura. Think it had become much bigger than her head.

security-I was developed as a kind of hump, but if proportionate, and she was beautiful to see and make the body strong and harmonious.

There were beautiful women with a confidence-so charming that I could not resist their seduction, and there were old and had developed so well that he remained handsome and interesting until the end of their days. But not all was well.

was easy to meet young men who might have been beautiful if their security-I had not made them monstrous or ridiculous.

real balloons! On the other

Apart from some security-I had so little as to be maimed, deformed, with an awesome stripping moms who barely managed to touch without feeling disgusted that anyone else would try.

why educators, teachers and parents were well aware that the safety and well-I grow it right in their children.

The early years were crucial for growth, but also those of youth and adulthood could affect the harmonious development of safety-io.A Stokville there were also doctors and sorcerers, witches, pharmacists, herbalists and nutritionists, biologists , various scholars who were in charge of safety-I.

Every day all over the papers you could review the new findings, innovative treatments or old remedies, things to do or things to be done to avoid or prevent the little ones.

security-I was so important to the people of Stokville which conditioned their whole lives. It was certainly the main topic of their conversation and affect all the decisions: you could not do a good job if it had not been visible on his back a good or security-I could not participate in a contest-it was work, literary or beauty-without the pictures include the question of its security-I.

Issak Yet I had a security-enormous, but like all young people and even those not so young and some old men.

seemed to be his own monstrosity to attract people and that this monstrosity is nourished by the attraction that people had towards him.

Several sociologists and psychologists began to deal with this strange phenomenon: all the flatterers of Issak and Issak that I had a safety-overflowing, which would have caused them to make, unpleasant, however, were very attractive, charming, irresistible.

Issak especially with his huge lumpy and I was even safety-magnetizing.

would have been horrific ... He could barely carry his safety-I ... yet it seemed like a beautiful Adonis, shining like a god. It was acclaimed by the crowds and desired by women and men. As was to be the most loved and praised.

physicians and scholars also stopped to make examinations and investigations on this phenomenon, which also seemed to reverse all the patterns of beauty and decenza.Insomma was a revolution taking place in safety-and Issak I was the absolute leader of this movement hailing the enormity of the security-I.

were born various circles and clubs, the most famous of which was called The Big, The Bis and then there was a number of others who spread the myth of the extreme development of safety-io.Issak even put in Radio Wave Safety -I who, through scatoleneruste, disclosed musica e parole ed incitava a prendere coscienza del proprio corpo e ad esporlo nudo sulle spiagge e al mare di Stokville per esibire la propria traboccante sicurezza-io. Incitava gli ascoltatori a non vergognarsi delle dimensioni e suggeriva esercizi mentali e fisici per sviluppare al meglio la sicurezza-io. Erano cose semplici, ma funzionavano perfettamente ed utilizzavano spesso specchi, massaggi del partner, ampie scollature, creme ed unguenti miracolosi che lo stesso Issak vendeva assieme alle famose pietresfoglie che sembravano possedere un effetto magnifico sullo sviluppo della sicurezza-io.

Si cominciò ad asserire che questa fosse in assoluto la Rivoluzione più importante della storia di Stokville e chiaramente cominciarono ad esserci i primi clashes, mostly generational, who saw the old professors, teachers, some parents argue against the thought of the staunchest supporters of the liberalization of safety-I as the highest expression of culture and art.

Young women most of all they started to walk half naked with bare shoulders to the butt to demonstrate that their safety-I was virtually unlimited and all cluttered up the spine.

This new fashion of some old Stokville furious and all the various saints and witches, sorcerers, all belonging to the seven conservative who had always professed the propriety of the safety-io.Ci were veritable reprisals. And there were the first deaths. The first martyrs.

Issak thundered by Radio I-Security and the minds of young people increasingly inflamed swelling their humps.

Supporters of safety-I became similar to the giant turtles and their shells had an invincible shield.

In a short time were much more robust and strong and their opponents as they were even younger, and professed sex-security-i-liberalized became much more numerous and their children had already grown a few months.

Revolution lasted nine years.

Gradually, as they were built and distributed scatoleneruste began to jam ... then stop altogether, until it becomes totally unusable.

same time all the revolutionaries began to feel a strange security-ego deflation and women had no greater pleasure in exposing their bare back. Indeed all first began to feel an itching and then to have a real nuisance, a burning, painful feeling of shame.

Issak Someone surmised that had suddenly deflated, asserted that someone else had exploded ... it also said that he had fled, he had swallowed tons of foil nerusta and died ... certain is that he does not s'ebbe news.

After many years when I was not safety- even more visible to the naked eye, but was simply a state of mind and forgot the people were afraid even to communicate with each other, it was learned that Issak was considered pericolossissimo for Mental Health and sicurazza public, by a court of seeds author of the well-clandestine tampering scatoleneruste, had been imprisoned. Just had died in jail without even a chance to speak and sing because he was also fined the cut of the tongue.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dolly Kumarhigh Definition

Così fan I burp!?

had to take it to the tongue, cursed lupaccio mangy wolves. For days, would not allow it and yes, he was gentle and sweet as a mouse the cat the Gigia. Gasp! The only name the cat's red Gigia authorize the orecchiette was placed on a perfect circle and super cute chubby plump little head. Gasp! Repeated Ligio mouse, I have to get rid of this terrible look of lupaccio. Since I had made its tongue, in fact the lupaccio Panclazio that was the name that mass of hair and dust, we said, since Ligio mice showed him her tongue out of proportion, Panclazio was pissed off bad. I do not see gave, of course not, but his gaze usually wolf-sheep was incredibly turned red-demon, like the eyes of the spiked blunt-tailed demon cat of the truncated Gigia. Okay, 'but that's another history, but it is a story so frightening, yet so frightening, that our little hero, mouse Ligio, forgotten in the blink of an eye. And indeed he was speaking of eyes, I think. If there were all these interruptions could be said, indeed, that the wolf Panclazio, one-eyed friend of the bear in one eye, then the eye just lost it that time ... eh, it should be 'if we continue like this, is the story of mice and wolf Ligio Panclazio not we end up not even for tomorrow. I have to pull to the language and so everything Acconci, repeated in a low voice, but so low that it seemed like when that old blue balloon is bored or when the Gigia makes soap bubbles with a mitlagliatlice laffica. Mouse Ligio is the most beautiful of Gigia mouse, except that this time he lost his tail to the fury of calezze Gigia, of course, certainly would have won that "the mice Concolso More Pleziosi of Gigia. What a pity, that time! He made only Telz Plemo! As if the mouse or Bliciola Topina Malica were really more beautiful than him. Well of course he has that great language, but have you ever seen a mouse nicer than him? No! I believe not: Ligio rat has a pink nose and round as the most beautiful pink nose and round we've ever seen and well located to the right and left upper lip as the most beautiful mustache positioned left and right who have never visas and has a beautiful white dress with ligh losa and that sock ploplio brush, as Gigia says every time he plays a bit 'with him to tila and spring. Whenever the Gigia tila him a beautiful spring tongue, but so beautiful, but so beautiful, but so beautiful that the whole Gigia lide! Who could imagine that Panclazio wolf would not have liked his amazing performace? Especially at night the red eyes of demon-lupaccio stood in the dark and agitated all the dreams of mice to mouse Ligio. I can not go, we repeated our hero, I have to approach with caution and pull his tongue, but I do like caspitarola him to open the mouth with a dentacci yellow triangles? One day the Gigia him stood before him and leaned him a nice burp in faccia! Ti è piaciuto il mio luttone? Gli chiese più impertinente del solito, tanto che topo Ligio si preoccupò che stesse già diventando adolescente e gli adolescenti, si sa benissimo, spesso rinunciano ai loro giocattoli preferiti o li gettano dal balcone o li buttano nella pattumiera o li regalano o gli fanno i luttoni in faccia?! Però topo Ligio prese subito la palla al balzo, che significa non perse l'occasione, e rivolgendosi con quanto fiato aveva in gola a lupo Panclazio, disse: - Così fan rutti!? E tu li sai fare i super lutti della Gigia? Lupo Panclazio spalancò la boccaccia con i dentacci a triangoli gialli e lesto lesto, significa veloce veloce, topo Ligio si appese con tutta la sua forza alla lingua lunga long and thin fine of lupaccio. Instantly the eyes of the wolf became a wolf-pecorellissima eyes and his mouth came a call from Gigia callilion sweet music! ©
Milena Esposito

Thursday, April 10, 2008

What Are Some Good Adult Shows

Clof, clof

Way on the leaves.
Clof, clof.
behind me the noise is different, other than that I feel under my feet. And the skirt rustles
carrying small pieces of dead branches.
Behind the noise of flowing water.
walk through the bare trees.
I go under the black clouds closed.
All is quiet.
Way stillness of my hand.
Clof, clof.
I turn.
I see.
I see over the figs. The
cola sky.
is poured on the ground. Falls right before my eyes.
is a wall of water.
is there, beyond the last plant that barely holds its leaves, that's where it rains.
lines are horizontal.
close my eyes.
The image disappears.
is in my nostrils.
You smell of dead leaves soaked in water.
is wet, damp smell.
too dense.
I might lose my balance.
Porto head back.
The neck bends. The head weighs
The neck bends.
lips unfold.
Sete. Among
lips split.
enters the nose moist.
From the mouth of the hot salt body.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Casual-cocktail Party Attire


When I pass a peach flower I can not help but stop and stare, until I feel myself become a part of that branch.
Until I know that a pink flower is becoming, slowly, the complexion of the cheeks and the stamens are the wheel of my irises.
I let my breath and I aspire to become scent to the nose, mouth, sucks with all the pores of the skin.
and exudes the mood of the fish.
rest with fingers spread and his arms as hard as wood.
I do not know if when you paint flowers, you become stessi fiori; se i vostri occhi si trasformano in petali o in gambi, se la rugiada cola sul vostro viso, non come lacrime, ma come brina vera; io vi assicuro che, se scrivo del mare, divento io stessa risacca e si trasformano i miei capelli ed i miei piedi in coralli lividi d'apnea.
Forse pensate che io stia ammattendo, ma vi assicuro che è così.
È così.
Sento che ciò che vedo mi rende diversa; sento di non poter guadare la danza della farfalla bianca senza avvertire che dalla mia schiena con forza quelle ali, da lame sottili, tagliano per uscire, squarciano tra pelle e ossa, ledono tendini e, miracolosamente, non senza dolore, spuntano.
E s'aprono.
E sbattono come ventagli indiani.
I get the beating of wings and butterfly chrysalis.
The beat of my heart s'amplifica with going for flowers and flowers of the white butterfly.
same torments I flipped to chase other butterflies, pushing them to roll it into the air.
And I write, I have to pin it on paper as an embroidery.
up to scratch with excitation will affect the paper.
I do not know who crushes black ants on the staves, that will change in music, I feel this same yearning for concern.
not really know what I seize, but only if I lie down under the olive trees, there, where the branches touch the ground and show the fruits of blacks, the fruits become the tips of my breasts, the fruits are the nails and the tips of my hand.
I approach the lips.
slide them on the edge of the mouth and rub them to play with.
I have to take the oval fruit with his tongue.
I lick the olive oil.
I want to have hard between his teeth to the point of feeling all bitter, which flows inside me.
And the bird that jumps, I really do not know if these are not my eyes going up and down as animal soaked heart.
I do not know if when I stop to watch the fig leaf that sprouts from the branch of aluminum, I can not take your eyes off, I do not know why, but I think the palm of my hand with the lines of life, the mountains, stars.
and cruises.
and wrinkles.
The fig tree that splits into droplets of sugar lucente è l'inguine schiuso al sole.
Ne sento l'odore dolce del tutto simile al mio.
La grossa infiorescenza profuma.
È un richiamo irresistibile per le narici. Sa di frutta matura: è odore delle foglie morbide e pelose, è essenza di lattice; ha sentore dei rami secchi bruciati, del frutto essiccato, di mandarino e lauro e noci.
Avverto la nota liquorosa.
Ogni cosa attira i miei occhi ed in ogni cosa io mi muto.
E dei gelsi neri ho il succo scarlatto a macchiare di sangue e tatuaggio la pelle.
E le punte intrise delle dita sono coccinelle che prendono il volo.
Dei miei capelli è il rosso delle rose e le spine, si, le spine... le spine sono il groviglio delle mie vene irrorate di linfa.
E le carrube pendule?
Ah, quelle brune carrube d'ebano sono certo le dita che arpeggiano le corde dell'aria.
Ne sento il tintinnare.
E non sono forse conchiglie le mie orecchie?
Non vi paiono davvero simili? Direi gemelle fatte per udire il suono del mare e del vento.
Sono nacchere di gitane, uguali e complementari.
E se questo mio discorso può apparvi strano, io vi assicuro che così in me riecheggia ogni spicchio di natura.
Come una spugna gocciolante intrisa di cielo, la felicità mi entra dalla bocca fino a quando l'eccitazione mi toglie il fiato e il pianto mi cola dagli occhi.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Large Pillows For Sofas

The story of Ross and the fourteen

Dei più remoti che aveva avuto da bambina, non ne aveva più ricordo. Ma da quando sua madre le diede quello che prese per essere uscita con Andrea, cominciò -e credetemi non so il perché- a contarli.
“E uno!”. Si disse Rossella e si chiuse nella sua stanza, sbattendo la porta.
Passarono un paio di mesi e ricevette il secondo: “e due!”; contò Rossella. Questo secondo, però bruciava molto di più del primo e lo ricevette proprio da Andrea quando cominciava a piacere anche a sua madre, ma difficilmente i gusti tra madre e figlia coincidono, anche se ci sono sempre le eccezioni.
Ed infatti fu allora che Rossella pensò che Mario non le avrebbe mai dato uno schiaffo. Ma si sbagliava: in capo ad altri two months, just Mario - former partner of his mother - gave her the third.
was when Scarlett to take a shower, forgot, on the night of Mario, the mobile phone text messages full of helium. "And three." Ross counted and clothed. left the house and headed by Elio Mario while Mario yelled something that ended with your mother ....
Elio was his employer and Ross usually called him Dr. Rinaldi.
Dr. Rinaldi, said the dentist, had a studio in the Via Condotti.
for about fifteen days, Ross began working for him and now Dr. Rinaldi had filled her with attention.
Elio Rinaldi was the one that usually defines a good match and it was anche un bell'uomo intraprendente.
Aveva uno di quei sorrisi tipici da dentista: un sorriso aperto, convincente e bianchissimo.
Sembrava la pubblicità ambulante di un dentifricio.
Rossella, però, pur non gradendo le sue attenzioni, non poteva cancellare i suoi messaggi dal cellulare.
È che – credetemi- li trovava divertenti.
Ed infatti lo erano; peccato che Mario non avesse un buon senso dell'umorismo, altrimenti ne avrebbe sorriso anche lui e probabilmente non le avrebbe dato quello schiaffo.
No, ma pensateci, come si fa a non divertirsi leggendo: “Sul tuo cellulale abbiamo lilevato un vilus inteldentale cinese ad alto lischio. Se non sollidelai pensandomi, il cellulale non ti squillelà never again. "?
Ross went to Elio, because it was time to open the study.
certainly would never have expected to meet the person he met.
Well, it was just a meeting, to be more precise I would describe it as a confrontation, it was because of this.
fact, the first patient - some believe that we should try a synonym, came shortly after the study, but Dr. Rinaldi, not yet in sight.
The patient, a little old lady with a pink sweater, soon became impatient and began to rant against Ross, who made the mistake of getting too close and so he gets an unexpected quarter slap.
"And four!" disse fra sé, Rossella, ma ne dovette contare altri tre prima che arrivasse il dottor Rinaldi per ripristinare l'ordine e la calma. La vecchina con il golfino rosa divenne tutta un sorriso-dentiera alla vista del dottorino ed insieme –sottobraccio– entrarono nell'ambulatorio.
A Rossella non restò che dirsi: “e sette!”.
Fu a quel punto che nella sua testa balenò un motto: “dente per dente!”. Forse l'influenzò il fatto di trovarsi in uno studio dentistico, forse fu per puro caso che iniziò a riflettere sul fatto di avere sviluppato una gran faccia da schiaffi, certo è, che -vi assicuro- Rossella cominciò a tramare vendetta.
Tramava così bene che appena la vecchina con il golfino rosa ed il sorriso-dentiera uscì dall'ambulatorio, Rossella le mollò subito tre schiaffetti (in verità poco più che buffetti), che comunque alla malcapitata dovettero sembrare un vero e proprio attentato.
“E tre!” urlò con un super sorriso Rossella, mentre la vecchina si rifugiava tra le braccia del dottor Rinaldi.
Poi Rossella si diede alla fuga – mi sono sempre chiesta perché si dica così, mah, comunque-.
Percorse tutta la strada a ritroso e tornò da Mario.
Non potete immaginare la sua gioia quando a casa di Mario trovò anche sua madre.
Prese a sberle i due piccioni con una mano.
“E quattro! E cinque! E sei!” urlava, but prior to the seventh remembered Andrea.
The first love-it is really true-you never forget, and then came out of that house-alcove and headed quickly towards the house of Andrea.
Fate would have it, Andrea is located elsewhere.
(This is to me to have more time to find a decent final!).
So Scarlett tried elsewhere and in other places near and far, known and unknown, but there was no sign of Andrew.
There was not even a clue-and-think the cell phone said: "The person you called is not reachable at the time ...".
This thing was going to beast Ross and more than anything else, itching hands. A beast
con le mani che prudono -si sa- può diventare anche molto pericolosa e Rossella forse lo era o avrebbe potuto esserlo, senonché...Rossella vide Andrea.
Andrea era di spalle, ma Rossella era certa che fosse lui.
Andrea nascondeva un fascio di fiori dietro la schiena e quindi era ben visibile da Rossella.
E, infine, Andrea era sotto casa di Rossella.
In quel preciso momento a Rossella venne in mente il motivo dello schiaffo preso da Andrea.
Il motivo –so che voi vorreste saperlo almeno quanto vorrei saperlo io- non era certo un futile motivo, ma era sicuramente un motivo molto importante.
Tanto da fare ammettere alla stessa Rossella di aver avuto torto marcio -anche di questo aggettivo mi sono sempre chiesta il perché-.
She saw before her eyes the whole scene, but alas no sound and accepted that he had been wrong.
It was then that he decided to approach the shoulders of Andrew, to give him a treat.
But Andrew, who had always had quick reflexes, she felt a suspicion behind him and spun around, letting go of Scarlett a resounding slap.
Ross did a quick calculation and said to himself, "and fourteen."
Then, since we know that when women are happy cry, Ross and Andrea began to sob, having recognized, was profuse in a sea of \u200b\u200bexcuses and offered her flowers.
At that moment their eyes met - and what happened had to happen, that is, Okay, the two-kissed and lived happily ever after and happy!