Wednesday, December 30, 2009

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a gift

Which best wishes for a Happy New Year I can give to friends, these words of a great man of peace like Mahatma Gandhi :

un dono
Prendi un sorriso,
regalalo a chi non l'ha mai avuto.
Prendi un raggio di sole,
fallo volare là dove regna la notte.
Scopri una sorgente,
fa bagnare chi vive nel fango.
Prendi una lacrima,
posala sul volto di chi non ha pianto.
Take courage,
put it in the souls of those who can not fight.
Discover life
tell it to those who can not understand it.
Get hope,
and live in its light.
Get goodness,
and send it to people who can not donate.
Discover love,
and have it known to the world.
(Mahatma Gandhi)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU AND TO YOUR FAMILIES AND IN PARTICULAR TO A PERSON AND ME 'very expensive and who is having a very difficult time .

Sunday, December 27, 2009

How To Get In A Sears Catalog

tribute to Collevecchio

on a bare mountain ordeal, clear water and ancient olive trees ...
(F. Garcia Lorca)

and the pure and warm blue
spills on the campaign resting
(F. Tjutcev)

... are designed to meet

for all who walk similar paths.

(R. Tagore)

light does not leave his footprints in the sky;
can walk, and this is eternal

R. Tagore)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Median House Size By Country


spend gray shadows on the ground ... ...
(H. Hesse)

... the sky is low, the clouds in mid-air roadster
a snowflake ...

(E. Dickinson)
Summer is the clearest and most ardent ...
(N. Aseev)

flowering creepers ... play with the wind .. .
(Wei Li Bo)

all friends

e. .. after the winter solstice will come a bright summer

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Opti Sailboat For Sale California

Remembering my roots, I dedicate this post to the generations of the humble chair-which over the centuries have left from my valley to offer their work in remote districts of Italian and French.

Gravenbroch John wrote at the end of one thousand five hundred:

il seggiolaio da un disegno di Giovanni Gravenbroch

"...noi intendiamo di estendere il fervore industrioso del povero popolo che circonda la terra d'Agort nel territorio bellunese, stante che alcuni di quei villici, massime nell'inverno, obbligati dalla fame, abbandonano il proprio nido...

due seggiolai alla fine degli anni 40 con l'attrezzatura e il carico di paglia

...tali sono gli Conza Careghe, gente senz'arte e senza altra attività che di costruire sedie d'ogni sorte,

già verso gli eight years the children were entrusted to a chair-and sent on tour to Italy and France to learn a job and contribute to the maintenance of the family


Wood of willow and straw braids, translated by gentle marsh ...
... living sparingly in order to keep the money in a way that does not feed on anything but polenta,

food very much enjoyed it real 'native alpine countries. "

the chairs of this famous painting by van Gogh are certainly costruite da seggiolai agordini

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Male Dog With Swollen Chest Area


Juniperus , appartiene al genere delle cupressaceae , è arbusto sempreverde alto fino ad un paio di metri, (ma in California il juniperus occidentalis ,( che cresce negli USA), esiste una pianta vecchia forse di tremila anni, alta 26 metri e con un diametro di 3,88m. ) ; le foglie aghiformi sono molto pungenti le bacche mature di colore viola scuro con riflessi argentei lucido, giungono a maturazione l'anno dopo l'impollinazione.
Il ginepro è un arbusto comune nei luoghi aridi e cresce fino ad un'altezza di 2.500 m/slm, in climi temperati e soleggiati o in mezz'ombra in suoli sabbiosi o carsici.
Le bacche, ricche di resine, sono chiamate " galbuli "

in botanica e sono utilizzate in cucina come spezie per i piatti di selvaggina, sono usate pure per aromatizzare le grappe al ginepro e per la produzione del gin.

Nella medicina popolare si usano per curare i disturbi digestivi, nelle malattie respiratorie, reumatiche e delle vie urinarie ; controindicazioni all'uso si hanno in gravidanza e per affezioni renali infiammatorie.

His burnt wood was used to flavor meats and cheeses delicately smoked with juniper wood in some countries of the Alps, built the wooden spoons used to stir the polenta, as well as a slight scent released was immune to attack by molds.
It also found that took away the snakes and the Christian tradition as this was interpreted as a purification from sins.
In the Middle Ages was regarded as the panacea for all ills, known as a remedy against malignant possessions and even as a cure for bubonic plague.
Many popular legends about the magical powers of juniper: Tuscany hung sprigs of juniper per tenere lontane le streghe, si diceva che le streghe si fermavano a contare le foglie aghiformi, ma poi perdevano il conto e andavano in confusione e si allontanavano dall'abitazione con stizza,
( aggiungo con una nota mia che magari si allontanavano dalla Toscana per rifugiarsi in Lombardia dove finivano nelle braccia del santo cardinale Carlo Borromeo che provvedeva poi ad arrostirle sul rogo) .
Secondo una credenza popolare tedesca, se veniva invocata la fata del ginepro, questa poteva costringere i ladri a restituire il maltolto, ma per fare questo bisognava curvare fino a terra un ramo di ginepro, fermarlo con una pietra e urlare il nome del ladro che could not resist that call and was presented with the stolen goods.

Another medieval legend, during the flight into Egypt, the holy family was pursued by Herod's soldiers, and only an almond tree opened its branches to hide the fugitives to the soldiers who had to give up now occurring looking to point sharply from the needles of juniper, then gratitude for the Virgin Mary blessed the tree with his prophesying that he would build the wooden cross.

Surely this essence is an essence considered beneficial, then: with juniper as far as we know to give.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dudley Lock Combinations

was summer

by Giau

left the shelter Locatelli,


After a long rainy and gloomy, some gift to friends immagine della montagna , in attesa della prossima estate

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Magic Stat 3000 Honeywell

Collevecchio from Bracciano friendship and warmth

Lo splendore dell'amicizia
non è la mano tesa
né il sorriso gentile
né la gioia della compagnia

il calore di Collevecchio

è l'ispirazione spirituale
quando scopriamo
che qualcuno crede in noi
ed è disposto a fidarsi di noi.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

e l'incanto di Bracciano

...nella solitudine, nella malattia, nella confusione,
la semplice conoscenza dell'amicizia
rende possibile resistere,
anche se l'amico
non ha il potere di aiutarci.
E' sufficiente che esista....
(Pam Brown)

Friday, December 4, 2009

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A distanza di un paio di mesi dall'intenzione e la realizzazione di questo post, scrivo una scheda botanica su una pianta particolare e molto velenosa , si tratta dell' ATROPA o Belladonna, è un arbusto alto circa un metro e mezzo della famiglia delle solanacce , la stessa a cui appartengono i pomodori e le patate.
L'Atropa-belladonna è un arbusto che cresce in zone montane fino a circa 1.400 metri di altezza in terreni calcarei, le foglie di forma ovale-lanceolata sono ricoperte hair and unpleasant smell, the flowers in glass

with five sepals and a corolla of five petals in the shape of a glass of purple, flowers in summer, the flowers turn into black berries and shiny.

is used medically as dilation of the pupil and as a muscle relaxant prior to surgery.
Atropa in Greek mythology was one of the three Fates , (in Roman mythology, the Fates), was she who cut the thread of life, called the plant with this name because of poison in alte dosi contenuto nella pianta dalle radici alle bacche.
Tale sostanza velenosa è l' atropina presente anche nelle piante di Mandragora, Stramonio e Giusquiamo , conosciuta fin dai tempi di Ippocrate 400 A.C
Nel medioevo il succo di belladonna veniva usato dalle dame per ottenere lo " sguardo sognante ", lo sguardo sognante era dovuto alla dilatazione della pupilla e alla paralisi dell'accomodazione in seguito all'azione dell'atropina.
Nel 1960 un antropologo tedesco Erich Peuckert, seguendo le istruzioni di un antico libro di stregoneria, prepara un unguento conosciuto come " the whisper of witches "strictly adhere to the recipe.
This ointment was used by witches during the Sabbath for aphrodisiac, hallucinations and exciting.

After having used the ointment on himself, Peuckert sinks in catalepsy for over 20 hours, during which horrifying visions of evil beings, monsters, and landscapes of hell torment him terribly.
The difference between the amount of atropine necessary hallucinations and death is very weak, which is why it is ABSOLUTELY TO AVOID under any circumstances.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Little Mermaid Car Wash, Madison, Wi


Castle Predjama,
the last window on the left: is the site of meditation
Erasmus Lueger
projectile struck the launching catapult,
the reconstruction of a catapult in the bottom center of the photo.

After visiting the caves Skocjan and dined at a nearby restaurant (the restaurant prices in Slovenia are small), we continued to visit the castle or Predjama Lueger Castle (Grad Preddjama in Slovenian). Spectacular
the glance of the castle that appears after a curve on the road nine kilometers from Postojna.
sunken castle materializes in a gigantic cave,

behind a wall peak of 123 meters, the only one castle in a cave in the world
. The origins of the castle date from the thirteenth century, it is a building on several floors of different ages, the castle is known to have belonged to Erasmus Lueger, a local squire devoted to banditry, ennobled in 1478 by Grand Duke Friedrich III of Augsburg for the services rendered by Erasmus. Later, during a conflict between Augsburg and the king of Hungary, Erasmus sided for the Hungarians. relations with Frederick III broke for the knight Erasmus Lueger killed a marshal of the court of Augsburg, after the crime Erasmo dug
the drawbridge

in his den and began to plunder the caravans of merchants doing so enraged the emperor of Austria, the Austrian troops besieged the fort during the winter and spring of 1484, but was mocked by the besieged, when after long months of siege, from the castle, which now must be on its last legs, they began instead to rain on besiegers quarters of beef roast, vegetables of various kinds and even baskets of fresh cherries.
In the bowels of the mountain, behind the fortress, a development of karst caves linked to the river Vipava, allows men to sneak out of Erasmus and make food supplies in the surrounding countryside. all ended with the betrayal of a servant of Erasmus, the knight was use to perform their bodily functions at night and while he was seated on the throne concentrated in time of need, the traitor signals the presence of Erasmus in the Cabinet,

the door at the end is the throne room where Erasmo died
right of the door to catapult balls of stone

stone catapult balls

a stone thrown by a ball Erasmo catapult struck in the head killing him instantly.
Knight-robber, was buried near the castle, near a late-Gothic church of the fifteenth century *, according to legend, his beloved had planted a linden tree on the grave that even today, huge, protects remains of Erasmus. unforgettable tour of the chateau e delle grotte, nel castello è visibile una pietà del 1420,

interessanti le varie sale che mostrano come si viveva in un castello nel medioevo,

la sala da pranzo

il cappellano



a unique tour of an extraordinary site, unique in the world