Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Building Plans For Sand Rails

Central / incinerator Russians and Services Conference ... Who are we to say "thank you" to the opinion of "positive"

Bio-Masse/Inceneritore of Russians in Central-Boncellino

surprisingly prevedibile immaginare nonostante il Progetto del Mega Inceneritore di Russi non avesse i requisiti per ottenere il V.I.A., la Conferenza dei Servizi si é espressa per il SI....

Per tutti gli illusi, me compreso che speravano che la Conferenza fosse una cosa seria, ora non ci sono più dubbi.... la conferenza agisce su ordine della politica... altrimenti non si spiega come una centrale da 1.5 MW viene bocciata perchè inquinante ed una di 20 volte tanto, 30 MW.... ottiene il Si...

Non si spiega nemmeno perchè nonostante il parere negativo, della Soprintendenza dei Beni Culturali che si era espressa per il no, questo "No" on other occasions he used to do similar projects fail this time is not binding ... and not even explain, why, if the contract stipulated that contracts for the supply of poplar trees were an essential condition to be presented to obtain the SI to the incinerator, the incinerator is to be given even in the absence of these ...

E 'increasingly blatant and obvious that this is not a biomass power plant, an incinerator, but true ... which will be burned in all and every ... more once built the incinerator will not be blocked because some lack the poplars ..... this massacre, "the mammoth" pd's call it "progress" ...

Pd that from this day forward will not be called the most democratic party, but party dioxin ...

But to whom we must say thanks for this mass poisoning legalized perpetrated against us?? Have said the party dioxins, can not however give any "merit" of this crap to them .... they were alone on this project, the project could stop, but in this political union / business at the expense of the common good, for the benefit of the portfolio of a few have had an important and even decisive in some respects the triumvirate "Depending on how the wind blows," composed by IDV, SEL and PRC ..... these three parties depending on the time, opportunity, how you were raised in the morning or just how the wind blows, you are given for Si, for the No, I do not know, Perhaps, Perhaps, but I would like to keep family etc etc ... short easier to win the super enalotto guess that the official position of the three parties, for the record that have recently voted in favor of raising the values \u200b\u200band legalized by law the pollution from the plant of Unigrà Lavezzola-Conselice ...

from people so what can you expect in the process of ratification It emanated from the conference services?? ... it is clear that if everyone voted NO, apart from the party dioxin, the project would not be ratified and would be starting in contrast, argued that the Regional Council of IDV, this Bagnacavallo in the assembly held in November last year .. . we can not do anything, is the conference services that decides .... already, but if the majority of the directors in the region are not ratify and reject the EIA, what about?? As always, as usual, never a politician to assume its responsibility ...

And now we come to a "myth" ... a man put to work in the mines, the mine would cause you to damage ...
Yes, it's really him, Gianguido Bazzoni, regional director of the PDL, provincial coordinator of the pdl or something, occupation, collect signatures or useless citizens take the piss ...

in November (perhaps in October, can not remember now), when in the Regional Council on a resolution of Giovanni Favia, 5 Star Movement, against the biomass power plants came the great opportunity to put in a minority the pd, because even the "triumvirate" taken from fit of common sense compact voted against the pd and plants, who was pd to save from going under in the motion ???... Well it was him, Gianguido from Ravenna, who absent themselves properly with some buddies just before a vote is so important, has meant that the PD and the PDL, was able to win the vote and continue the infamous draft of pollutants and nothing if not renewable in the smoke they emit, biomass power stations ...

Bagnacavallo Also in November, he promised in front of hundreds of citizens who have filed a motion sull'inceneritore specific to Russia, because the project was abandoned .... for three months we have had no news of him, engaged to collect signatures that even he knows what is magically reappeared the day after the conference services has given the go ahead to protest that the regional council has not discussed his insipid written motion months ago, that perhaps he too is had forgotten that he wrote and which define a surrogate of what he had promised Bagnacavallo, is a compliment to him ......

So .... whatever one may say I am in favor of the incinerator of Russian-Boncellino, the PD and the PDL, "the cat and the fox" once again hand in hand ... the pdl has similar interests in other areas of 'Emilia Romagna .... As to the "Triumvirate" is not given to know ... do not even know them ... consequently I do not know how to vote for them if they do not know how to think ...

Geronte Radichelli As rightly pointed out and said about the Mayor of Russians Sergio retina, which I extended to all these people ...

.. Lords is born and he / they did not ro-born. Ah! some are bell anyway.

Good Light Bear Tibetan


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