Sunday, March 13, 2011

Two Seater Sand Rail Plans Free

Oasi a rischio in Emilia-Romagna ... e Coldiretti fa la vittima...

Coldiretti Emilia Romagna
Remember this post about Valle Lepri ???... The time is approaching and thousands of hectares of Oasis renaturalized are at risk in Emilia Romagna,
than half in Ferrara, I suppose another big chunk in Bologna, a few more plot here and there .. . clearly the problem of how to settle the matter is .... but in twenty years had to wait until the last second to address the issue ???...

borrowed from below ...
Cited .... In the late eighties - said Coldiretti - nothing suggests that the land no longer cultivated constraints might arise that would allow it to be able to return these lands to their original destination of production .. ..

But those are just the Coldiretti "Martians" ????... possible that no one has asked what would happen to the expiration of contracts ?.... possible that there are no ethical problem and not a place abbia avuto l'intelligenza e il buon senso di capire che distruggere un'Oasi, fonte di vita per centinaia ed anche migliaia di animali, non è la stessa cosa che abbattere un frutteto o un vigneto giunti a fine produzione e non più redditizi???...

O forse i LAUTI finanziamenti concessi, i quali investiti solo in parte nella rinaturallizzazione, facevano passare in secondo ordine tutto il resto ???...

Per ora prendiamo i soldi poi a suo tempo ci riprenderemo i terreni...

Sembrano aver detto gli agricoltori in questione, malamente guidati by Coldiretti .... do not hold out any hope that these areas except for a small part can be saved ... our region always very attentive to the interests of a few to the detriment of the common good will unquestionably be a way to satisfy the landowners in question, but if by some miracle the Oasis Venino "armored" and protected, well dear sirs .. . Who is the cause of his ill cry himself ...

The Article


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